Dermaplaning is now one of the most talked about and sought-after treatments.
It is used to remove vellus hair and the dead epidermal layer.
It is a good treatment to use in conjunction with dermarollers, chemical peels, mesotherapy and normal facials.
The treatment is used a lot in the film and modelling world due to the removal of vellus hair it helps the face look more chiselled and the makeup glides on the skin easier. Dermaplaning is an ideal treatment to have as part of a bridal pre wedding skin prep to give you that youthful clear skin glow for your wedding photos.
Benefits of Dermaplaning: ï‚·
There is minimal downtime and is quite a pleasant treatment.
Suits most skin types (oily skin can usually break-out after due to stimulation of the sebaceous glands) ï‚·
Can be done on clients which are pregnant, who cannot have other treatments such as skin peels.
ï‚·Minimal downtime (downtime is 24hrs with no makeup, minimal redness) ï‚·
Removal of vellus hair ï‚·Removal of dead skin ï‚·Helps with fine lines & scarring ï‚·
Doesn’t disrupt the PH level of the skin ï‚·
Allows other treatments such as skin peels, dermarollers and Microneedling to work deeper into the dermis
ï‚·Allows makeup to glide on better ï‚·
No post light sensitivity (will not go red in the light)